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Research Issue: Industrial Augmented Reality

Fachgebiet Augmented Reality (FAR)

General description

We actively pursue intense relationships with industry partners who provide us with information pertaining to the real-world requirements and trade-offs of transferring AR technology into real applications.

Associated People

Associated Projects


TUMMIC (Thoroughly consistent User-centered Man-Machine Interaction in Cars)

(Sponsored by industry)


Head Mounted Laser Projector

The Head Mounted Laser Projector is a user centered 3D instruction placement system for industrial applications. The information provided by system distinguishes between where-to-act and what-to-do. The augmented reality laser projector displays the simple where-to-act information directly on an object (e.g. a white body). A standard screen is used to display the more complex what-to-do information. This results in an information presentation suiting industrial needs.



The focused view on human resources within supra-adaptive logistics systems leads to the fundamentals of / establishes the fundamentals for the mobility of knowledge and the flexibility of employees. (Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS)): The Forlog project



Use of AR technology in wide-range industry plants requires a tracking framework which supports a fusion of various tracking technologies based on careful evaluations of tradeoffs between technical requirements and costs. It is the goal of the trackframe project to systematically develop the formal basis of a tracking framework. The concept is expected to consider algorithmic and data-related standards via which tracking systems can be dynamically merged. Furthermore, trackframe aims at providing concepts towards the analysis of quality criteria (such as error statistics for individual sensors) and towards supporting AR-engineers in planning improvements to their tracker configuration. Three demonstrators will exhibit trackframe concepts in industrial and academic setups. (Bayerische Forschungsstiftung (BFS))



"Practical Application of Augmented Reality in Technical Integration"; in Cooperation with BMW AG, Munich.
(Fall 2001 - Fall 2002)



This student praktikum focused on design and evaluation of car models. In cooperation with BMW AG, Munich.
Spring and fall semester 2001



The goal of CAR is to create a collaboration platform for computer scientists (UI programmers) and non-technicans (human factors, psychologists etc.). The platform allows collaborative design of visualizations and interaction metaphors to be used in the next-generation cars with Head-Up Displays. We focus on two scenarios: parking assistance and a tourist guide.

Demo CAR



Sticky Technologies for Augmented Reality Systems.
Student Praktikum Winter 2000.



ARVIKA explores concepts of Augmented Reality (AR) in Development, Production, and Service in industrial applications. It is a German consortium funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) that researches Augmented Reality technologies for the support of work processes in development, production, and service for complex technical products and plants. The project is very application driven and consists of five sub-projects: the horicontal projects "AR in Development", "AR in Production", and "AR in Service" as vertical projects are complemented by "User driven System Design" and "Base Technologies for AR". internal project page
(1999 - 2003).

Associated Publications

F. Pankratz, G. Klinker
[POSTER] AR4AR: Using Augmented Reality for guidance in Augmented Reality Systems Setup.
Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Sep. 29- Oct.3 2015, Fukuoka, Japan, pp. 140-143. (bib)
G. Klinker
Augmented Reality and Industry (original title: Ubiquitous Augmented Reality)
Keynote speech. The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2015), Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 29, 2015. (bib)
D. Kurz, P. Meier, A. Plopski, G. Klinker
Absolute Spatial Context-aware Visual Feature Descriptors for Outdoor Handheld Camera Localization - Overcoming Visual Repetitiveness in Urban Environments - Overcoming Visual Repetitiveness in Urban Environments.
9th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014, pp. 56-67. (bib)
F. Pankratz, A. Dippon, T. Coskun, G. Klinker
User awareness of tracking uncertainties in AR navigation scenarios (Poster).
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Oct. 1-4 2013, pp. 285-286. (bib)
D. Kurz, P. Meier, A. Plopski, G. Klinker
An Outdoor Ground Truth Evaluation Dataset for Sensor-Aided Visual Handheld Camera Localization (Poster).
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Oct 1-4 2013, pp. 263-264. Best Poster Award. (bib)
F. Laquai, M. Duschl, G. Rigoll
Impact and Modeling of Driver Behavior Due to Cooperative Assistance Systems
V.G. Duffy (Ed.): Digital Human Modeling, Third International Conference, ICDHM 2011, held as part of HCI International 2011, LNCS 6777 (Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg), pp. 473-483. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, R. Reif, W.A. Günthner, G. Klinker
Pick-by-vision: there is something to pick at the end of the augmented tunnel
Virtual Reality, vol. 15, Springer 2011, pp. 213-223 (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
Abschlussbericht: AVILUS Tracking Contest 2010, 16. - 27. August 2010
Technischer Bericht, Jahrgang 2011, No. 2, TUM-I1102 (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger
Pick-by-Vision: Bringing HMD-based Augmented Reality into the Warehouse
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, July 2010 (online version) (bib)
D. Popiv, K.-J. Bengler, M. Rakic, M. Duschl, F. Laquai
Reduction of Fuel Consumption by Early Anticipation and Assistance of Deceleration Phases
Fisita World Automotive Congress, Budapest, 30 May - 4 June 2010, pp. 1264-1273. (bib)
M. Duschl, G. Klinker, D. Popiv, F. Laquai, M. Rakic
Birdeye Visualization for Assisting Prospective Driving
Fisita World Automotive Congress, Budapest, 30 May - 4 June 2010, pp. 620-629. (bib)
D. Popiv, C. Rommerskirchen, K.-J. Bengler, M. Duschl, M. Rakic
Effects of Assistance of Anticipatory Driving on Driver's Behaviour During Decelaration Phases
2nd European Conference on Human Centered Design of Intelligent Transport Systems (HUMANIST), April 2010, pp 81-90. (bib)
R. Reif, W.A. Günthner, B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
Evaluation of an Augmented Reality Supported Picking System Under Practical Conditions
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 29, Issue 1, pp 2-12, March 2010. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, R. Reif, W.A. Günthner, G. Klinker, Daniel Hamacher, L. Schega, I. Böckelmann, F. Doil, Johannes Tümler
Pick-by-Vision: A First Stress Test
Proc. of the EEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented reality 2009, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2009, pp. 115-124. (bib)
R. Lindl
Tracking von Verkehrsteilnehmern im Kontext von Multisensorsystemen
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, April 2009 (online version) (bib)
R. Reif, W.A. Günthner, B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
Pick-by-Vision comes of age: evaluation of an augmented reality supported picking system in a real storage environment
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa, Afrigraph 2009, Pretoria, South Africa, February 4-6, 2009, pp. 23-31. (bib)
K. Pentenrieder
Augmented Reality based Factory Planning
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, February 2009 (online version) (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, A. Hofhauser, G. Klinker
An Augmented Reality Laser Projector using Marker-less Tracking
Demonstration at 15th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Bordeaux, France, October 27-29, 2008. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, D. Pustka, A. Hofhauser, G. Klinker
Using Laser Projectors for Augmented Reality
15th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Bordeaux, France, October 27-29, 2008, pp. 134-137. (bib)
L. Walchshäusl
Maschinelle Erkennung von Verkehrsteilnehmern mittels heterogener Sensorik
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, October 2008 (online version) (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
Supporting Order Picking with Augmented Reality
The seventh IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Cambridge UK, 15-18th of September 2008, pp. 91-94. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
An Evaluation of Augmented Reality Visualizations to Support the Order Picking
Technischer Bericht: TUM-I0819 (bib)
K. Pentenrieder, P. Meier
Registration Approaches for Augmented Reality - A crucial aspect for successful industrial application
The Third International Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Funchal, Portugal, Jan. 22 - 25, 2008 (bib)
K. Pentenrieder, C. Bade, F. Doil, P. Meier
Augmented Reality-based factory planning - an application tailored to industrial needs
The Sixth IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Nara, Japan, Nov. 13 - 16, 2007 (bib)
G. Lawson, M. D'Cruz, D. Bourguignon, K. Pentenrieder
Training in the digital factory
IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control, Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 14 - 16, 2007 (bib)
V. Broy
Benutzerdefinierte, graphische Interaktionsmetaphern für Fahrerinformationssysteme
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, November 2007 (online version) (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, G. Klinker
Hybrid Information Presentation: Combining An Augmented Reality Laser Projector and A Conventional Computer Display
IPT - EGVE 2007 - 13th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments - 10th Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, Weimar, Germany,July 15-18, 2007. (bib)
S. Weisweiler, B. Schwerdtfeger, M. Hammerl
Anforderungen supra-adaptiver Logistiksysteme: Fehlerkultur Ð FehlerprŠvention Ð Fehlermanagement
Neue Wege in der Automobillogistik. Die Vision der Supra-Adaptivität, Reihe: VDI-Buch, Günthner, Willibald A. (Hrsg.), Springer, 2007. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, T. Frimor, R. Reif, G. Klinker
Neue Techniken zur Informationsbereitstellung in der Kommissionierung.
Neue Wege in der Automobillogistik. Die Vision der Supra-Adaptivität, Reihe: VDI-Buch, Günthner, Willibald A. (Hrsg.), Springer, 2007. (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, T. Alt, G. Klinker
Einsatz von Augmented Reality zur aktiven Fehlervermeidung
Neue Wege in der Automobillogistik. Die Vision der Supra-Adaptivität, Reihe: VDI-Buch, Günthner, Willibald A. (Hrsg.), Springer, 2007. (bib)
H. Najafi
Fast 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation for Augmented Reality Systems
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, December 2006 (online version) (bib)
B. Schwerdtfeger, T. Frimor, D. Pustka, G. Klinker
Mobile Information Presentation Schemes for Logistics Applications
16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2006), Hangzhou, P.R.China, Nov. 29 - Dec. 1, 2006, pp. 998-1007. (bib)
S. Nölle
Augmented Reality als Vergleichswerkzeug am Beispiel der Automobilindustrie
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, November 2006 (online version) (bib)
K. Pentenrieder, P. Meier
The need for accuracy statements in industrial Augmented Reality applications
ISMAR Workshop: Industrial Augmented Reality, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, October, 2006 (bib)
A. MacWilliams
A Decentralized Adaptive Architecture for Ubiquitous Augmented Reality Systems
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, June 2005 (online version) (bib)
V. Novak, C. Sandor, G. Klinker
An AR Workbench for Experimenting with Attentive User Interfaces
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2004, Arlington, VA, USA, Nov 2-4, 2004 (bib)
T. Reicher
A Framework for Dynamically Adaptable Augmented Reality Systems
Dissertation (PhD thesis), Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität München, Apr. 2004 (online version) (bib)
G. Klinker, H. Najafi, T. Sielhorst, F. Sturm, F. Echtler, M. Isik, W. Wein, C. Truebswetter
FixIt: An Approach towards Assisting Workers in Diagnosing Machine Malfunctions
Proc. of the International Workshop on Design and Engineering of Mixed Reality Systems - MIXER 2004, Funchal, Madeira, CEUR Workshop Proceedings (bib)
F. Echtler, F. Sturm, K. Kindermann, G. Klinker, J. Stilla, J. Trilk, H. Najafi
The Intelligent Welding Gun: Augmented Reality for Experimental Vehicle Construction
Chapter 17 in Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing (VARAM), Ong S.K and Nee A.Y.C eds, Springer Verlag, 2003, pp 333-360. (bib)
T. Reicher, A. MacWilliams, B. Bruegge, G. Klinker
Results of a Study on Software Architectures for Augmented Reality Systems
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR'03), 2003, pp. 274-275. (bib)
G. Klinker, A.H. Dutoit, M. Bauer, J. Bayer, V. Novak, D. Matzke
Fata Morgana -- A Presentation System for Product Design
International Symposium on Augmented and Mixed Reality (ISMAR 2002), Darmstadt 2002, pp. 76-85. (bib)
G. Klinker, O. Creighton, A.H. Dutoit, R. Kobylinski, C. Vilsmeier, B. Bruegge
Augmented maintenance of powerplants: A prototyping case study of a mobile AR system
IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Aumgented Reality (ISAR 2001), New York, NY, October 29-30, 2001, pp. 124-136. (bib)
G. Klinker, D. Stricker, D. Reiners
Augmented Reality: A Balance Act between High Quality and Real-Time Constraints
Proc. 1rst International Symposium on Mixed Reality (ISMR'99); published as a book: Y. Ohta and H. Tamura (eds.), Chapter 18 in "Mixed Reality - Merging Real and Virtual Worlds", 1999, pp. 325-346 (bib)
G. Klinker, D. Stricker, D. Reiners
The Use of Reality Models in Augmented Reality Applications
Proc. European Workshop on 3D Structure from Multiple Images of Large-scale Environments (SMILE), in combination with ECCV'98, 1998; pp. 275-289. (bib)
G. Klinker, K. Ahlers, D. Breen, P.-Y. Chevalier, C. Crampton, D. Greer, A. Kramer, E. Rose, M. Tuceryan, R. Whitaker
Confluence of Computer Vision and Interactive Graphics for Augmented Reality
PRESENCE - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, Special Issue on Augmented Reality 6(4), 1997, pp. 433-451. (bib)

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