Florent Brunet
- Email: (username:) florent @ (servername:) brnt.eu
- 425 rue Jean Rostand
31670 Toulouse-Labège
Please visit my personal home page for more details: www.brnt.eu
This home page includes, among other things, an online version of my Ph.D. manuscript, the PDF files of most of my publications, some source codes related to my research.
Past: Master Thesis
From February to July 2007, I worked on my master thesis under the supervision of
Prof. Rémy Malgouyres. The subject was "An Integer Only Method to Estimate Derivatives of Noisy Functions Using Convolution Products and Binomial Coefficients". The final report (in French) of this work is available by clicking
Past: Ph.D.
From 2007 to 2010, I worked on my Ph.D. thesis under the joint supervision of
Prof. Adrien Bartoli,
Prof. Nassir Navab and
Prof. Rémy Malgouyres. The subject of my thesis is "Reconstruction of Threedimensional Surfaces from Images".
Past: post-docs
From October 2010 to September 2011, I was a post-doctoral researcher at
IMFT (Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse) where I apply my work done during my Ph.D on image registration and 3D reconstruction in deformable environments. From October 2011 to August 2012, I was a post-doctoral researcher at
IRIT (Vortex group) where I worked on detection and recognition of circular markers applied to special effects in films.
Present: Computer vision manager at Ubleam.
2009 |
F. Brunet, A. Bartoli, N. Navab, R. Malgouyres
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), London (UK), September 7-10, 2009
F. Brunet, A. Bartoli, J. Peyras, N. Navab, R. Malgouyres
Découverte automatique de la région d'intérêt en recalage d'images direct
Actes du onzième congrès francophone des jeunes chercheurs en vision par ordinateur, Trégastel, Juin 2009
F. Brunet, A. Bartoli, N. Navab, R. Malgouyres
Ajustement automatique de surfaces paramétriques sur données de profondeur en présence d'un bruit hétérogène
Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, Toulouse, Mars 2009
2008 |
F. Brunet, A. Bartoli, R. Malgouyres, N. Navab
L-Tangent Norm: A Low Computational Cost Criterion for Choosing Regularization Weights and its Use for Range Surface Reconstruction
Proceedings of 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Atlanta, Georgia, June 2008
R. Malgouyres, F. Brunet, S. Fourey
Binomial Convolutions and Derivatives Estimation from Noisy Discretizations
14th IAPR International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, Lyon, Avril 2008
F. Brunet, A. Bartoli, R. Malgouyres, N. Navab
Reconstruction de surface par validation croisée
Actes des journées de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Février 2008
2007 |
F. Brunet, R. Malgouyres, S. Fourey
Convolutions binomiales et dérivation de fonctions discrètes bruitées
Journées Informatique et Géométrie, Sophia-Antipolis, France, Juillet 2007