
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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S. Kettner, C. Madden, R. Ziegler
Direct Rotational Interaction with a Spherical Projection
Proceedings of the Creativity&Cognition Symposium on Interaction: Systems, Practice and Theory, 2004. The original publication is available online. (bib)

This paper investigates a design for a new form of interactivity with information projected onto a spherical surface. This form of interaction is related to the direct rotation of the spherical surface itself. Traditional methods of computer interaction use a representative format, such as the movement of a mouse representing the motion of a cursor on a flat screen. This representative interaction often becomes less obvious with a three dimensional object, as there is often an exact view position required. The rotational interaction method developed provides a more direct physical connection with the data interaction upon a sphere by mimicking globe style rotational interaction. The authors discuss in detail the design and implementation of the rotation interactivity, including a discussion of the limitations involved.
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