Inheritance diagram for ARTkPoseReconstructService:
This class is derived from the DWARF C++ Template service.
Definition at line 55 of file ARTkPoseReconstructService.h.
[protected, virtual]
Create an Ability object for a given description.
This method creates a DWARF PoseSender object for every ability of type PoseData that has at least an attribute MarkerName. The attributes are interpreted as follows:
Reimplemented from TemplateService.
Definition at line 65 of file ARTkPoseReconstructService.cpp.
Create a Need object for a given description.
This method returns an object of type ARTkFrameMarkerNeed for all needs of type artkFrameMarkers. A useful predicate is
Useful attributes of the communication partners are
Definition at line 233 of file ARTkPoseReconstructService.cpp.