
MICCAI Tutorial :: Medical Augmented Reality 2007

MICCAI 2007 Tutorial: Medical Augmented Reality

State of Art, Basic Technologies and Future Challenges

The tutorial reviews the state-of-the-art technology in medical augmented reality, points out the current bottlenecks and shows directions for future trends.

There is already a variety of medial AR systems based on quite different technologies. The tutorial will critically review the development over the past two decades and will encourage engineers and scientists to work towards solutions within this field. The survey includes the enabling technologies such as tracking, registration, and advanced visualization. Real-time fusion of intra-operative anatomical and functional imaging, as well as the focus on integration into surgical workflow turns this tutorial into a unique opportunity to get an overview of most advanced concepts in medical AR.

AR Foot Computer Aided Surgery


Date & Time: Friday, November 2, 2007 2:00-5:00pm
Location: Brisbane, Australia (details will be provided soon)
Organizer: Nassir Navab - CAMP - Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures at TU Munich, Germany

Participants receive course notes and software related to the hands-on experience.

Organizers and Speakers

Mission Statement

The tutorial will be designed to give young scientists the possibility to get a comprehensive summary of available technology and innovative ideas for designing medical augmented reality systems. One major message will be that the design of such systems strongly depends on the medical application. The tutorial will provide exemplary applications, in which different medical AR technologies need to be used to provide optimal outcome.

The tutorial will go into details of integration of not only anatomical but also functional imaging into the real-time AR visualization. This is a subject of high interest to the MICCAI community.

The discussion about current bottleneck includes the smooth integration into the medical workflow, 3D perception in an AR environment and accuracy considerations when augmenting deformable organs MICCAI has already hosted one tutorial on Medical AR in 2002 and two successful AMI-ARCS workshops in 2004 and 2006. We are aiming at organizing the AMI-ARCS workshop every other year and alternate this with a tutorial on Medical AR within the alternating MICCAI events.

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© 2007, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality, Nassir Navab, Tobias Sielhorst, Joerg Traub, Marco Feuerstein, Sandro-Michael Heining.
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