


IPCAI 2013 will be co-located with CARS 2013, the 27th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (

It will be located in Heidelberg at the convention center.

Heidelberg: a world-famous city and perennial tourist favorite with a justified international and national reputation as one of Germany's top tourist destinations. The city's urban development, its university life, many fine restaurants, shopping opportunities, cultural offerings and wide variety of annual events all contribute to the worldwide popularity of the city which even Goethe felt had something "quite ideal".

It is the blend of different, thoroughly contrasting characteristics that harmonize to make Heidelberg a fascinating and unique place. The charm of this interplay has inspired artists, stimulated scientists and is an unforgettable experience for all visitors to the city.

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Text and images by courtesy of Heidelberg Marketing GmbH

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