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Combining different Trackers in AMIRE

Student : Benjamin Becker

Supervisor : Dipl.Inf. Martin Bauer

Updated : 13.10.2004

Student Project (SEP aka Software Entwicklungs Projekt)


This project basically combines optical tracking of markers within AMIRE based on firewire video streams with traditional tracking techniques. Used to calculate and approximate the actual camera position & orientation the tracking system ART was additionally supported with the Intersense InertiaCube2. Using this allowed a previously unimaginable combination of reality with a very exact scenegraph (vrml/x3d) of the enviroment, allowing to display data & information in a very feasible way.

Tracker Systems Picture


VRPN Interface(Infrared Tracking)

First step was to create an VRPN Interface to communicate with the ART Tracking System via UPD on ethernet. (will be WLAN) Additionally some smoothing & extrapolation of the movement was implemented since...

  • Tracking is a lot slower than the drawing.
  • Tracking is not always valid

Implemented Algorithms:

  • Linear interpolation between tracker data (linear interpolation now maybe use "Kalman Filter" later)
  • Movement Prediction via extrapolation using a polynomial fit function

ISD Interface (Magnetic Tracking)

The ISD Interface establishes communication to the Intersense InertiaCube2 via serial port. The tracker calculates the orientation and is (usually) always valid. It is used so only the movement needs to be extrapolated and the orientation of the device is always correct. Since inertia trackers always have a certain drift it is permanently updated by the orientation information the ART gathers.

AMIRE (Optical Tracking)

The VRPN and the ISD interface are both integrated into a threaded AMIRE component which also takes care of the calculation, validation and display of the information data. AMIRE can handle scene graphs and with our new component we can use it to create our part real, part virtual world.

More Information coming later.

Title: Combining different Trackers in AMIRE
Abstract: This project basically combines optical tracking of markers within AMIRE based on firewire video streams with traditional tracking techniques. Used to calculate and approximate the actual camera position & orientation the tracking system ART was additionally supported with the Intersense InertiaCube2. Using this allowed a previously unimaginable combination of reality with a very exact scenegraph (vrml/x3d) of the enviroment, allowing to display data & information in a very feasible way.
Student: Benjamin Becker
Director: Gudrun Klinker
Supervisor: Martin Bauer
Type: SEP
Status: finished
Finish: 2004/10/13

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