
Workshop on Industrial Augmented Reality

Konrad Zürl, A.R.T. GmbH

The Achilles´ Heels of Optical Tracking Systems: Occlusions and Optical Interferences – A.R.T.´s Solutions


For 6 years, A.R.T. develops and sells infrared optical tracking systems. To achieve the necessary precision for AR, some specific problems of optical measurement technology must be overcome.

To avoid occlusion, multi camera setups can be used. The IR flashes of the tracking cameras are time multiplexed to avoid mutual blinding. Static and dynamic reflex suppression can be used to suppress interferences with external radiation sources. Single camera tracking algorithms and hybrid tracking systems provide higher reliability.

The design of targets is another important issue: the influence of merging markers, omni- and unidirectional targets, with passive and active and markers. Addressable active markers provide even more design potential.

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