
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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  • The course will be held ONLINE
  • First lecture will be held on November 5th
  • The maximum number of participants is 20 to enable student research projects. Students will sequentially be contacted according to the registration date to confirm their willingness to attend the course. If students are declining the participation, students from the waiting list will be contacted until the course reached the maximum amount of allowed participants.

Introduction to Surgical Robotics

Winter term 2020/2021

After attending this lecture, you'll know about:

  • Analyzing the pros and cons of the use of robots in existing surgical workflows
  • Fundamentals of modes of operation, compiling requirements, specifying components and integration aspects of systems
  • Conception and modeling of solutions for problems based on technical and algorithmic approaches
  • Definition of a clinical project for enhancing surgical applications by the use of robotics

The lecture is structured into three areas:

  • State of the Art and Environment
  • Robotics Basics
  • Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about the cutting edge research in surgical robotics
  • Talk to specialists from technology development
  • Develop and present your own approach of robotics assistance in the operating room
  • Do practical work and pass a final test
The application-oriented course begins with a presentation of current surgical interventions with robotics assistance and correspondent research projects, analysing benefits and drawbacks. Then, basic knowledge about surgical techniques is presented. Several lectures put the focus on background knowledge that is required for computer scientists to include robotics in their research projects. The acquired knowledge is applied by the students to develop a solution to an existing clinical problem using robotics assistance.

Administrative Info

Lecture: Julian Klodmann and Dr. Ulrich Eck
Tutor: TBD

Type: Lecture + Lab Courses TUMonline
Programs: Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence (Master)
Biomedical Computing (Master)
Informatics (Master)
SWS: 2+2
ECTS: 6 Credits
Course Language: English


  • The classes and assignments are in English
  • Assignments are to be composed in English only


  • Self-organized familiarization with MATLAB/Simulink
  • Accompanying research in groups of 4-5 students, to develop a conceptual solution to an existing clinical problem using robotics assistance
    • Midterm presentation (Powerpoint or equivalent) of 15 minutes/per team including the medical basics of a procedure, equipment used, evaluation of procedure (logistics, use of equipment, timing, who is involved and individual roles, other relevant information, starting points for improvements, and next steps ...)
    • Final presentation (Powerpoint or equivalent) of 15 minutes/per team of defined process, engineering and computer science relevant evaluation, identification of potential process improvements, actual process improvement (pick one topic) with robotics assistance (improve quality and surgical accuracy? improve timing of procedure? cost improvement? ...)


  • Grading will be based on attendance, the midterm presentation, the final group presentation, and a test on the technology basics. All four grading parts need to be passed to successfully attend the course.
  • ALERT!One excused (E-Mail at least two days prior to lecture with reason) absence will be accepted, two excused absences will cause a "4" in attendance, a non-excused absence equals failure of the course. The first block is mandatory!

  • The course will be held ONLINE
  • First lecture will be held on November 5th
  • The maximum number of participants is 20 to enable student research projects. Students will sequentially be contacted according to the registration date to confirm their willingness to attend the course. If students are declining the participation, students from the waiting list will be contacted until the course reached the maximum amount of allowed participants.


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The contents of the blocks of the lecture will be updated within the next weeks. For more Information on the Contents, please visit the Website of last Winter 2019/2020:

Lecture Schedule

The lecture will be on Thursdays from 08:00 to 12:00 online!

Date Location Conducted by Topic Literature Slides
05.11.2020 8:00-12:00 online Julian Klodmann Block 1: State of the Art and Environment I    
12.11.2020 8:00-12:00 online Daniel Ostler, Dirk Wilhelm Block 4: State of the Art and Environment II    
19.11.2020 8:00-12:00 online Christopher Schlenk, Julian Klodmann Block 3 - Robotics Basics I    
26.11.2020 8:00-12:00 online Christopher Schlenk, Florian Steidle, Julian Klodmann Block 3 - Robotics Basics II    
03.12.2020 8:00-12:00 online Thomas Bahls, Robert Burger, Julian Klodmann Block 5 - Robotics Basics III    
10.12.2020 8:00-12:00 online Andreas Tobergte, Julian Klodmann Block 6 - Robotics Basics IV    
17.12.2020 8:00-12:00 online Rainer Konietschke, TBA, Julian Klodmann Block 7 - Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application I    
14.01.2021 8:00-12:00 online Andrea Schwier, Julian Klodmann Block 8 - Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application II    
21.01.2021 08:00-12:00 online Julian Klodmann Block 9 - Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application III    
28.01.2021 8:00-12:00 online Julian Klodmann Block 10 - Basics for Designing a Surgical Robotics Application IV    


  • Jacob Rosen; Blake Hannaford; Richard M. Satava (Eds.) (2011) Surgical Robotics – Systems Applications and Visions, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-1125-4
  • John J. Craig. 1989. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control (2nd ed.). Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.
  • Hagn, U., Nickl, M., Jörg, S., Tobergte, A., Kübler, B., Passig, G., Gröger, M., Fröhlich, F., Seibold, U., Konietschke, R., Le-Tien, L., Albu-Schäffer, A., Grebenstein, M., Ortmaier, T. & Hirzinger, G. (2008) DLR MiroSurge – towards versatility in surgical robotics. 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. Proceedings of CURAC, 2008, pp. 143 – 146.
  • Selected Workshop and Proceedings of the following congresses: ICRA, IROS, CARS, Curac

Title: Introduction to Surgical Robotics
Professor: Julian Klodmann and Dr. Ulrich Eck
Type: Lecture
Information: 2 + 2 SWS, 6 ECTS Credits (Module IN2292)
Term: 2020WiSe
Abstract: The application-oriented course begins with a presentation of surgical interventions in cooperation with surgeons. State-of-the-art methods and methods with robotic assistance will be presented and compared. Then, background knowledge for surgical robotics is presented. Eventually, the acquired knowledge is applied to develop a solution to an existing clinical problem using robotics assistance.

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