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Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Augusto F. Sanches Augusto F. Sanches TUM, Fakultät für Informatik IMETUM Zentralinstitut für Medizintechnik Image-Based Biomedical Modeling Group (IBBM) Boltzmannstr ...
Carolin Pirkl Carolin Pirkl !PhD candidate Image-Based Biomedical Modeling Group (IBBM) Fakult t f r Informatik Technische Universit t M nchen Contact: FORMFIELD ...
p{ } li { line-height:1.25; font-size:10pt; } table { line-height:1.25; font-size:10pt; } .slidingDiv { display:none; color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #0069BC; padding ...
ChristmasCAMPCoffee2010 Date: Friday 17 December, 2010 Time: 12:00 hrs. Location: MI03.13.010, Garching Please, add your name if you will attend the event. EDITTABLE ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} I have moved to the LS2N laboratory / Ecole Centrale Nantes in France ...
Dr. rer. nat. Kristof Ralovich humbugfy("kristof.ralovich","gmail.com") Technische Universität München, Institut für Informatik I16Raum 03.13.041Telefon: 49 (89) ...
Workshop on Modeling and Ultrasound Imaging 2010 Date : June 28, 2010 Location : Garching, MI 03.13.010 Description This workshop features current research on modeling ...
Olivier Pauly Olivier Pauly BR Dr.rer.nat. E-Mail: humbugfy("pauly","cs.tum.edu") Phone: 49 89 289 19437 Address: Technische Universit t M nchen BR Fakult t f r Informatik ...
Sebastian Marsch Sebastian Marsch Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality BR Fakultät für Informatik Technische Universität München BR Boltzmannstr ...
Dr. Tobias Blum I have been with the Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality as NOP PhD student and research assistant between 2007 and 2013 ...

Number of topics: 10
Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality    rss.gif