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Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Searched: Tobias *Reichl[^A-Za-z]
Results from CAMPing2012 web
Statistics for CAMPing2012 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 222 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from CAMPing2013 web
Statistics for CAMPing2013 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 220 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from CAMPing2014 web
Statistics for CAMPing2014 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 150 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from CAMPing2015 web
Statistics for CAMPing2015 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 407 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Chair web
Primary Literature Overview Peters2008 Terry M. Peters, Kevin Cleary: Image-Guided Interventions: Technology and Applications. Springer, 1st edition 2008 Peters2000 ...
Individuals' Books Remark: This is a list of books which you have to find yourself by asking the contact person. For more books, see the official Chair Library. EDITTABLE ...
Partners of CAMP+AR The Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures Augmented Reality has numerous collaborations with hospitals, various research centers on medical ...
Christmas Party 2006 at Klinikum Innenstadt TOC Pictures of the Party When Friday, 15th of December 2006. 7:00pm Venue The CAMP Christmas Party 2006 will be at Klinkikum ...
Third party C/C++ libraries A list of 3rd party libraries EDITTABLE{format "textarea, 4x50"} Library name Janus location Description Homepage Qt /public/3rdparty ...
Develoment with MITK on Windows XP On several occasions I've enjoyed the luxury of getting machine fully set-up for my respective prioject. For my current project ...
Setup CAMPAR for development This Howto describes how to set up the medical augmented reality framework CAMPAR for development using Microsoft Visual Studio VS9/2008 ...
OfficesGarchingTemp Hauke Heibel BR Martin Groher BR Marco Feuerstein BR 49 (89) 289-19427 03.13.061 03.13.059 03.13.060 03.13.057 03.13.058 03.13.055 03.13.056 03 ...
Teaching Activities at CAMP+AR TOC Winter Term 2020/21 Lectures SQLMETASEARCH{ SELECT ' ', $FIELD.Title, ' by ', $FIELD.Professor, ' and ', $FIELD.Tutors, ' (', ...
Summer Term 2011 CALC{$SET(semester,2011SoSe)} Lectures SQLMETASEARCH{ SELECT ' ', $FIELD.Title, ' by ', $FIELD.Professor, ' and ', $FIELD.Tutors, ' (', $FIELD.Information ...
History of Computational Science, Vision, and Medical ScienceGeschichte der Naturwissenschaften – Informatik, Computer Vision, Medizin Bachelor Seminar Course (Proseminar ...
Computer Aided Medical Procedures II IN2022 Organization Lecture: Prof. Nassir Navab Organization: Dr. Maximilian Baust and Dr. Ulrich Eck Time Location Wednesdays ...
Winter Term 2010/2011 Lectures SQLMETASEARCH{ SELECT ' ', $FIELD.Title, ' by ', $FIELD.Professor, ' and ', $FIELD.Tutors, ' (', $FIELD.Information, ')\n' FROM $tables ...
How to get to the Pavillon Leave the subway and enter the building. There you should already see the Pavillon: Enter the Pavillon:
Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) IN2021 TOC Lecture by Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab invited speakers. Module IN2021: 4+0 SWS, 6 ECTS, Praktische Informatik, Wahlfach ...
Hauptseminar: Recent Advances in Computer Assisted Surgery Nassir Navab, Tobias Blum, Lejing Wang, Tobias Reichl Type: Advanced Seminar Course Module IN8901 Type ...
Computer Assisted Surgery TOC Lecture 2 SWS, 4 ECTS, Master Biomedical Computing, required module Time Location: Every other Friday, 11:00-15:00, hospital rechts ...
Hauptseminar: Tracking and Navigation for Computer Aided Surgery Nassir Navab, Stefanie Demirci, Tobias Reichl Type: Advanced Seminar Course Module IN8901 Type: Master ...
THIS CLASS IS CANCELLED FOR WS 2011/2012 2D Graphical User Interfaces for Desktop-based and Mobile Computer Applications 2D grafische Nutzerschnittstellen für Desktop ...

Statistics for Chair Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 68965 12 0 ...

Number of topics: 20
Results from DeepLearning2016? web
Statistics for DeepLearning2016 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from DeepLearning2017? web
Statistics for DeepLearning2017 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from DefRegTutorial? web

Statistics for DefRegTutorial Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 25 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from DisCent? web

Statistics for DisCent Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 56 0 0 10 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Events web
Doctoral Defense by Tobias Reichl Date: 12.03.2013 Time: 14:00 Location: Room 00.12.019, FMI-Building, Garching, Boltzmannstr. 3 Advanced Hybrid Tracking and Navigation ...
Invited Talk by Prof. Franjo Pernuš, !PhD Prof. Franjo Pernuš, !PhD BR Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Date: Thursday, 17 December ...
Invited Talk by Prof. Franjo Pernuš, !PhD Prof. Franjo Pernuš, !PhD BR Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Date: Thursday, 16 December ...
Workshop on Advanced Imaging and Visualization 2009 Hotel Miranda, Lago d'Iseo This year we organized a workshop on Advanced Imaging and Visualization at Lago d'Iseo ...
Invited Talk by Tommaso Mansi Date: Friday, May 11th, 2012 Time: 09:00am 10:00am Location: MI 03.13.010 Data-Driven Computational Models of Heart Anatomy, Mechanics ...
14 Papers accepted at MICCAI 2007 Once again hard and intelligent collaborative work has been paid off. The last year success was remarkable and this year we have ...
Invited Talk by Prof. Nikos Paragios, !PhD Prof. Nikos Paragios, !PhD BR Laboratoire MAS, Ecole Centrale Paris, Chatenay-Malabry, France BR Equipe GALEN, INRIA Saclay ...
Summer CAMPing 2006 TOC The next CAMPing weekend takes place on: Sept. 21st to Sept. 23rd 2006 in the same location as last time (Sport- und Studienheim in Kleinwalsertal ...
One paper accepted at IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI) Our paper "Electromagnetic servoing a new tracking paradigm" has been accepted by the IEEE Transactions ...

Statistics for Events Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 31622 0 0 ...
Workshop "Intra-Operative Imaging and Navigation Solutions" The European Union's PicoSEC and EndoTOFPET-US research consortia organize a workshop on "Intra-operative ...

Number of topics: 11
Results from Helmholtz web

Statistics for Helmholtz Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 111 0 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from ImVis2014? web
Statistics for ImVis2014 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 150 0 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from ImVis2015? web
Statistics for ImVis2015 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 407 0 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from ImVis2016? web
Statistics for ImVis2016 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 113 0 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from ImVis2017? web
Statistics for ImVis2017 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 118 0 ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from Main web
Alexandra Iovkova Name: Alexandra Iovkova Email: iovkova@fs.tum.de
BronchoscopyGroup Set GROUP Main.MartinHorn, Main.JoergTraub, Main.TassiloKlein, Main.NassirNavab, Main.TobiasReichl, Main.IngmarGergel, Main.FelixHerth, Main.HansPeterMeinzer ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Middlename" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Title ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Middlename" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Title ...
PD Dr. Hubert Hautmann Pneumologie Klinikum rechts der Isar
Workshop on Advanced Imaging and Pattern Recognition 2009 Date: November 25-27, 2009 Location: Regensburg Youth Hostel, Wöhrdstr. 60, 93059 Regensburg, Deutschland ...
Workshop on Advanced Imaging and Visualization @ Lago d'Iseo Date: June 09-12, 2009 Location: Hotel Miranda, Via Cornello 8, 24060 Riva di Solto, Italy Hotel Miranda ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Middlename" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Title ...
FORMFIELD{"Firstname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Middlename" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Lastname" default "--" alttext "--"} FORMFIELD{"Title ...
Ruxandra Lasowski Room: 03.13.057 Publications INCLUDE{"http://campar.in.tum.de/cgi-bin/pub/search.pl?micu:all:all:all:all"}
Essay/Talk Presentation (about 30-45min) followed by a discussion. Essay (10 pages) including all references used. The essay and presentation have to be done in English ...
List of TWiki users Please take the time and add yourself to the list. To do that fill out the form in TWIKIWEB .TWikiRegistration. This will create an account for ...
Dr. Tobias Reichl document.title "Dr. Tobias Reichl"; self.defaultStatus "Dr. Tobias Reichl"; table.adressen td {vertical-align: top; padding-right: 40px; } TOC Publications ...

Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2021 1193457 8 0 ...

Number of topics: 14
Results from Students web
Tracking Error Evaluation and Propagation With Hybrid Tracking System Type: Bachelor Thesis (Informatics), but may be subject to negotiation , e.g. NOP IDP Advisor ...
BaMathiasGorf fill me
Diploma thesis Subtitle Thesis by: Advisor: Main.RogelioMorales Supervision by: Due date: Abstract Resources Literature
Biomedical Computing Please refer to the new BMC FAQ.
Quantification of Deformation in Navigated Bronchoscopy Type: Bachelor/Master/Diploma Thesis Thesis by: N.N. Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl Abstract ...
Video-based bronchoscope tracking for navigated bronchoscopy Type: Bachelor Thesis Student: Benedikt Schultis Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl ...
Calibration of Endobronchial Ultrasound Diploma Thesis: Philipp Dressel Advisers: Nassir Navab, Kensaku Mori Supervisors: Marco Feuerstein (Nagoya), Tobias Reichl ...
Deformable Registration of 3-D ultrasound and CT for gastrointestinal interventions Type: Bachelor/Master/Diploma Thesis Thesis by: N.N. Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision ...
Improving Depth Perception for Video-Based, Intraoperative Augmented Reality Systems. Subtitle Thesis by: Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Christoph Bichlmeier ...
Freehand 3D endosonography Type: Bachelor/Master/Diploma Thesis Thesis by: N.N. Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl Abstract Gastrointestinal endoscopic ...
Diplomarbeit (DA): Online Error Correction for the Tracking of Laparoscopic Ultrasound TOC Student: Tobias Reichl Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Marco Feuerstein ...
Speckle tracking for endosonography Type: Bachelor/Master/Diploma Thesis Thesis by: N.N. Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl Abstract Endoscopic ultrasound ...
2D-3D ultrasound registration for tracking of endosonography Type: Bachelor/Master/Diploma Thesis Thesis by: N.N. Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl ...
Hiwi Position for Image Processing in Navigated Bronchoscopy Type: Hiwi Position Project by: Wangxin Liu Supervision by: Tobias Reichl Description RED This position ...
NOP HiWi position for endosonography imaging Type: NOP HiWi position Advisor: Nassir Navab Supervision by: Tobias Reichl Abstract Endosonography is a widely used ...
IDP/SEP Project (also BA thesis possible): Intuitive, high-level GUI for Segmentation of Aortic Aneurysm Thrombus Project by: Michael Emmersberger Advisor: Nassir ...
User interface development and evaluation of a navigation system for bronchoscopy Type: IDP with minor medicine, or SEP Project by: Arne Wirtz Advisor: Nassir Navab ...
Intraoperative Registration and Visualisation for NOTES Type: IDP (Informatics), SEP (Informatics), or Clinical Project / Clinical Internship (BMC) Advisor: Nassir ...
Master thesis Image based tracking for medical augmented reality in orthodontic application Thesis by: Andre Aichert External Supervision by: Wolfgang Wein Supervision ...
System Architecture and Demonstration System for Robotic Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery Type: Master Thesis Student: RistoKojcev Advisor: Nassir ...

Statistics for Students Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Oct 2021 8234 2 ...

Number of topics: 23
Lehrstuhl für Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality    rss.gif