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Visualization of activity parameters with an avatar suitable for the elderly people

(Seniorengerechte Repräsentation von Aktivitätsparametern anhand eines adaptiven Avatars)

The demographic trend of today's society and the associated problems leads to big challenges for everyone. The aim of the research project Fit4Age founded by the Bayerischen Forschungsstiftung is, to allow elderly persons to take part in the social live for a longer time than nowadays. The exploratory focus of this subproject is to maintain and to increase the physical fitness of senior citizens. In this context plays the self-motivation in order to stay physical active a crucial role. Interactive training techniques can help to add playful elements to the physical training and make it substantially more attractive in the long run. One possibility to achieve that aim is the coupling of specially designed computer games for motivation and efficiency control with sensors of acquisition of motion data. Within the scope of this thesis a system is developed, which is specially designed for use of elderly people. Its purpose is to animate them for more physical activity using the Tamagotchi concept. It guides the users at the same time. The estimation of the training will be based on a specially prepared training schedule. In this context prototypes will be developed and evaluated to obtain their user acceptance. Furthermore the evaluation should help to find out which type of virtual character should be used. In addition the answer to the question how the user-interface should be designed on a mobile system to be simple and intuitive for the user will be searched. For this purpose different alternatives of pawns and menu navigations get compared. For every single type of the three presented pawns one instance will be chosen and a 3D shape of it will be created and animated to get integrated in the prototypes.


Alle in folgender Abbildung dargestellten Parameter beeinflussen die Gesundheit eines jeden Menschen. Außerdem ist eine wechselseitige Auswirkung unter den Parametern selbst festzustellen. layers


Software Architektur

Um eine möglichst hohe Flexibilität der Software zu erreichen wurde ein Schichtenmodell entworfen, mit dessen Hilfe unterschiedliche Typen von Sensoren an die Anwendung angeschlossen werden können, so dass es für die Software selbst keine Rolle spielt, von welcher Art Hardware die erforderlichen Informationen gemessen werden.

Schichtenmodell \ schichten

Klassendiagramm \ Klassendiagram

Komponentendiagramm \ Komponenten

Alternative Modelle als Tamagotchi-Figur der Exergotchi-Anwendung

Erstes 3D-Modell des Avatar-Hasen

Bugs Blender

Finales 3D-Modell des Avatar-Hasen

Bugs Blender 2

Title: Visualization of activity parameters with an avatar suitable for the elderly people
Abstract: The demographic trend of today's society and the associated problems leads to big challenges for everyone. The aim of the research project Fit4Age founded by the Bayerischen Forschungsstiftung is, to allow elderly persons to take part in the social live for a longer time than nowadays. The exploratory focus of this subproject is to maintain and to increase the physical fitness of senior citizens. In this context plays the self-motivation in order to stay physical active a crucial role. Interactive training techniques can help to add playful elements to the physical training and make it substantially more attractive in the long run. One possibility to achieve that aim is the coupling of specially designed computer games for motivation and efficiency control with sensors of acquisition of motion data. Within the scope of this thesis a system is developed, which is specially designed for use of elderly people. Its purpose is to animate them for more physical activity using the Tamagotchi concept. It guides the users at the same time. The estimation of the training will be based on a specially prepared training schedule. In this context prototypes will be developed and evaluated to obtain their user acceptance. Furthermore the evaluation should help to find out which type of virtual character should be used. In addition the answer to the question how the user-interface should be designed on a mobile system to be simple and intuitive for the user will be searched. For this purpose different alternatives of pawns and menu navigations get compared. For every single type of the three presented pawns one instance will be chosen and a 3D shape of it will be created and animated to get integrated in the prototypes.
Student: Tayfur Coskun
Director: Gudrun Klinker
Supervisor: Daniel Pustka, Hans Egermeier (xmedio), Oliver Hengstenberg (xmedio)
Type: DA/MA/BA
Area: Industrial Augmented Reality
Status: finished
Thesis (optional):  

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