
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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NAIST Bilateral Workshop on Medical Augmented Reality

Brief Description

The workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration on Medical Augmented Reality between the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The presenters Prof. Kato, Prof. Sato, Prof. Otake, Prof. Sandor, and their team from NAIST have a strong background in Imaging-Based Computational Biomedicine, Human-Computer Interaction, and Augmented Reality. Furthermore, the NARVIS team of the Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures from TUM will present their current research projects. The workshop provides a platform for exchanging information and as a groundwork for future collaborations.


Time Monday - May 30th up Topic Room
1:30 PM Ulrich Eck Exploring Visuo-Haptic AR for Neurosurgery Planning
3:20 PM Severine Habert RGB-D Augmented Mobile C-ARM Room 03.13.010
09:10 AM Prof. Yoshito Otake Image registration for medical augmented reality
08:30 AM Prof. Nassir Navab CAMP Research Overview Room 01.07.023
10:10 AM Prof. Hirokazu Kato Improvement of Accuracy for Pose Estimation of Vertebrae by Single-Plane Fluoroscopy using Multiple Images Room 01.07.023
10:50 AM Prof. Christian Sandor Breaking the Barriers to True Augmented Reality
2:30 PM Philipp Stefan Simulation in Assessment of Medical Technology
2:00 PM Patrick Wucherer Simulation in Medical Education
4:20 PM Ma Meng Touchless User Interface for Operating Rooms
12:00 PM Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
4:00 PM Liem Hoang Collaborative Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality
4:40 PM Felix Bork Interactive Anatomy Education using the Magic Mirror
11:30 AM Dr. Alexander Plopski Corneal Imaging in OST-AR
1:00 PM Dr. Aitor Rova Mixed Reality applications for Health Sciences Room 03.13.010
3:40 PM Damien Rompapas EyeAR: Physically-Based Depth of Field Through Eye Measurements.
09:50 AM Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
3:00 PM Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break

Time Tuesday - May 31st Topic Room
9:00 AM Prof. Yoshinobu Sato Computational Anatomy for Medical Augmented Reality Room 03.13.010
09:40 AM Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break


The Workshop will take place at the following venue:

TUM Campus Garching
Boltzmannstr. 3
Faculty of Informatics

Title: TUM - NAIST Bilateral Workshop on Medical Augmented Reality
Date: 30 May 2016
Location: Munich, Germany
Abstract: The workshop is part of the ongoing collaboration on Medical Augmented Reality between the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM). The presenters Prof. Kato, Prof. Sato, Prof. Otake, Prof. Sandor, and their team from NAIST have a strong background in Imaging-Based Computational Biomedicine, Human-Computer Interaction, and Augmented Reality. Furthermore, the NARVIS team of the Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures from TUM will present their current research projects. The workshop provides a platform for exchanging information and as a groundwork for future collaborations.
Imageurl: NAIST-logo.png
Type: News

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