
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Augmented Reality Collaborative Home Improvement Environment


October 2002 - July 2003


For producing buildings in a collaborative way with all involved persons, ARCHIE (Augmented Reality Collaborative Home Improvement Environment) shall be responsible for giving the system user the most familiar way to h andle the information during the development process.


Name Title Type Supervisor Professor
Otmar Hilliges Design of a 3D Viewer for DWARF SEP ChristianSandor Gudrun Klinker
Chris Kulas Usability Engineering for Ubiquitous Computing Diploma Thesis ChristianSandor Bernd Brügge
Manja Kurzak Tangible Design Environment Diploma Thesis Joachim Kieferle Schönwand
Felix Loew Context Aware Service Selection based on the ARToolKit SEP MartinWagner Bernd Brügge
Franz Strasser Personalized Ubiquitous Computing with Handhelds in an Ad-Hoc Service Environment SEP AsaMacWilliams Bernd Brügge
Marcus Tönnis Data Management for AR Applications Diploma Thesis MartinBauer Gudrun Klinker
Johannes Wöhler Driver Development for TouchGlove Input Device SEP ChristianSandor Bernd Brügge
Bernhard Zaun New Calibration Methods for Augmented Reality? Diploma Thesis MartinBauer Gudrun Klinker

Photos, Screenshots, UI Mockups



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