
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Old CAR Application

Used Machines

  • WIM and basic Visualisation
Rechner What down Scripts
atbruegge43 ARTTracker Objectcalibration Filter startWIM.sh
lapbruegge49 View STL runViewer-STL.sh
atbruegge41 Viewer Tischbeamer runViewer-BeamerCARcity.sh
atbruegge42 Viewer Wandbeamer  

  • Cones
  • Labels
  • UIC etc

Starting the basic Visualisation and WIM


Please ensure that all the markers are available. These are:
  • the small green car
  • the SeeThroughLap Marker with Id No 4
  • the magic wand
  • the cid marker attached to the helmet.


atbruegge35 (ART D-Track computer)

  • Login into atbruegge35 (ART tracking computer) - User: dtrack, Password: XXXXXXX
  • Start tracking software with mouse click on "Dtrack fr CAR", then within the dtrack software click on the start button.
  • Now all the available markers should turn to a green color in the dtrack software!


  • Login into atbruegge41 - User: cardemo, Password: XXXXXX
  • Open a shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin
  • Start the serviceManager with ./run-serviceManager
  • Open a shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin
  • Start the Beamer Viewer: >runViewer-BeamerCARcity.sh
  • wait some seconds and then the TopDown-Beamer should view the CAR City model.


  • Login into lapbruegge49 - User: cardemo, Password: XXXXXX
  • Open a shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin and press enter
  • Start the serviceManager: >./run-serviceManager
  • Open a new shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin and press enter
  • Start the STL view with: >./runViewer-STL.sh. the same view as on the wallbeamer can be seen.


  • Login into atbruegge43 - User: cardemo, Password: XXXXXX
  • Open a shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin
  • Run the interactive script ./startWIM.sh . The ServiceManager comes up automatically.
    • follow the instructions on the screen (this requires to press enter several times)
    • Scale behaviour: Better type upper case V
    • Use Tangible Object: Better type upper case N
    • the WIM should be loaded
    • use DIVE to validate that all filters have connected correctly.


  • If you want the WallBeamerView just connect atbruegge42 with the beamer
  • Login into atbruegge42 - User: cardemo, Password: XXXXXX
  • Open a shell and: >cd dwarfinstall/bin
  • Start: > runViewer-WandBeamer.sh
  • Watch the WallBeamer. It should show the 3D View out of the car. If not try to calibrate the car using the Object Calibration.

Frequent Problems and solutions

Starting Automatic Layout

Adding automatic Layout to a scene is a three step process. First you have to specify which objects are used as anchors of labels and second you have to load the scenes representing the labels into the scene. Finally you have to associate the label anchors with the label representations. In our case this means two scripts have to be started to get automatic Layout.

This setup requires a runnning ARTTracker and ObjectCalibration!

  • Start serviceManager on lapbruegge49: cd ~/dwarf/bin ; ./run-serviceManager
  • and run ./runViewer-WithLayout.sh
  • In the ~/cvs/dwarf/applications/bar/InsertAutoLayout directory run: ./createObject.py and wait until you see a menu. Press 1 to create label anchors. This will produce some output telling you that it created the label anchors. After that press 2 to load the label scenes into the Viewer. After that you can press q to quit this service.
  • Next run in the same directory ./setAutoLayout.py. After you see the menu press 1 and this will associate the labels with the anchors so that they can be auto layouted. Exits this script also by pressing q.
  • Finally you have to run the LayoutManager on one of the computers. java -jar LayoutManager.jar
  • To get a meaningful viepoint from inside the car also start: ./RelativePositionFilter -DserviceName=RelativeLayoutLapFilter

One thing to mention is that at the moment the LayoutManager only interoperates with the Viewer from the cvs branch Viewer_2_0 . If you can't use that version of the Viewer please wait until we incorporated a new LayoutManager idl which will offer some new exiting features.

Starting Attentive User Interface

This task requires at least two computers (one for the representation (GUI)) and the other for authoring. To start the GUI with the corrensponding user model do following

  • run startCID.sh script
    • this script first starts service manager
    • next, the viewer is started (you should see a black window)
    • finaly, the UIM is started
    • at the end you can choose to start the DIVE or not
This script should be started on the LapTop.

Next, you have to start the UIC to load GUI and initialize UIM. Also, filters needed to calculate attention turn are started. This requires ARTTracking and ObjectCalibration. I assume that these are started on another machine.

  • run startUIC4CID.sh script
    • first, filters are started
    • next, the loadUIC and CIDApplication UIC's are started (you should see windows containitg petri-nets).
    • finally, the DISTARB is started

To load the AUI, you have to click the NetStructure tab in the UIC. Find the LoadUIC and LoadUIM Places and put a token into them by simply pressing the Add button (take care that UIC is connected to the CID-Viewer and UIM). After this (takes about 15s) icons on the CID will appear. The CID is now ready to use.
In DISTARB type StringData for the ability type. Now, press activate button. To initiate different AUI actions, you have to send different events to the UIC. There are three icons that can perform actions:

  • Telephone:
    • EventName: Tel
    • Remainder Of Body: CIDPhone
  • Calendar:
    • EventName: Cal
    • Remainder Of Body: CIDCal
  • Information:
    • EventName: Info
    • Remainder Of Body: CIDInfo
After typing in one of these events, press the send button (the event is sent to the UIC and AUI performs an action).
There are several actions, that can be changed on runtime. To do this, go to the CIDApplication UIC window. Click on the Actions-tab and find the setAction Action in the drop-down list. Next, click on the getAction button to get the code of the action. To exchange the action uncomment one of cevent.label lines and comment the current one. After pressing the setAction button (not the name in the drop-down list), the code of the action will be recompiled. Send another event from DISTURB and the new action will be performed.

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