
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Internal C/C++ libraries

The two section below exist in order to be able to differentiate between libraries that can easily be used amongst different projects and those being mainly research specific. The second list should contain libraries that are PhD project specific and should be modified only (!) after consulting the owner! This does not mean that you are generally discouraged to use the libraries from the second list but only that they are not necessarily written in a way to make them easily usable for everybody and that their usage may be non-trivial.

General Use C/C++ libraries

Library name Description Library Type Note
NuDeLib Numerics and Decomposition Library
supports dynamic and fixed size matrices and vectors, a variety of decomposition/solver algorithms, and many geometric routines (like conversion routines for rotations and projections). The library offers an adapted interface for Eigen and is fully compatible (each Nude::Matrix behaves like an Eigen::Matrix).
static library
Colibri A 2D and 3D image processing library
Supports floating point (32bit) images only. Offers functions for basic image arithmetic (+/-,etc.), functions for image pyramids, image rescaling, image filtering and more.
Automatically makes use of IPP (when installed, should work on both, 32bit and 64bit systems).
static library  
IOLib Library for reading and writing images
It wraps the IO mechanism of ITK into simple function calls and is build as a dynamic library to save users from the burden of linking against the whole ITK family of functions. The library best inter-operates with Colibri images but offers also support for raw image IO.
dynamic library  
Aleph Currently, contains algorithms for Numerical Optimization, Splines and Gauss Legendre integration.
static library  
Slib Methods for higher-level image processing (builds ontop of Colibri) and segmentation.
Current segmentation methods include e.g. threshold-based and graph-cut based methods. Image processing methods include e.g. histogram equaliazation, or line-enhancement filters. SLib also provides RGB operations.
static library  
tcpmessenger Library to do TCP messaging between processes. It allows arbitrary size messages (up to 2^32 - 9 bytes), and works in 32/64 bit configurations. currently only working in windows, but it is planned to be ported to Linux.
The core library runs in a different thread, enqueuing the received messages. Methods are provided to dequeue messages, and to send to the other party.
static library  
DeMoLib Library for image deformation models
It currently contains classes for Free Form Deformations (FFDs) and Thin-plate Splines (TPS). The library is build on top of Colibri and NuDeLib.
static library  

Project Specific C/C++ libraries

Library name up Description Owner
NanuLib Library for freehand SPECT reconstruction.
It contains physical models, reconstruction algorithms and a generic model for the reconstruction pipeline. Using the Eigen library.
Tobias Lasser
GraphLib Classes for Graphs, which represent spatial objects
(e.g. vessel trees, street networks, etc.). Each node is attributed with a spatial position and can be used for 2D and 3D respectively. Each edge is represented by start and end node as well as intermediate spatial positions. Algorithms for graph traversal, manipulation, IO, and geometric interaction are provided.
Martin Groher
droplib This library contains classes for FFD-based deformable registration using discrete optimization.
It contains some general classes that could be of interest for general MRF approaches, but it contains also very problem specific classes for the FFD-MRF registration.
Ben Glocker
AngioNavigation This library contains algorithms for guide-wire and needle detection, tracing and tracking.
Furthermore, it contains an additional dynamic library wrapping functionality required for InSpace integration.
Hauke Heibel

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