List of Topics (Gudrun):
- VR-Input (Caves), Data Glove
- Optical gesture recognition
- Speech
- Pen-based (handwriting)
- Lip-reading
- Pointing devices
- Eye tracking
- Multimodal input (Oviat: Quickset)
- Wearable devices
- Tangibles
- Widgets in 3D
- W3C
- Infovis
- Audio output (Sonification)
- Haptic feedback
ChristianSandor - 23 Jun 2003
Maybe we can let every student introduce the work of a UI Guru?
Here is a possible list:
ChristianSandor - 24 Jun 2003: TODO find 2 core papers for each researcher. Group researchers by background&focus
- Jun Rekimoto
- Oliver Bimber
- Dieter Schmalstieg
- Steve Feiner
- Blair McIntyre
- Marc Billinghurst
- Hiroshi Ishii
- Ivan Poupyrev
- Wayne Piekarski and Bruce Thomas
- Doug Bowman
- Brygg Ulmer
- Bred Myers