
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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General Installation Guidelines

In order to get DWARF running on a specific machine, one has to decide about the circumfence of the installation.

There are several factors influencing the amount of required software and libraries that are necessary to get DWARF and its components running.

To get a full installation of DWARF, a lot of software is necessary. But mostly a more minimal installation is sufficient. The following sections will explain the different possible kinds of installation:

Using the ServiceManager

In case of the ServiceManager, one can decide whether to use the ServiceManager on its local machine or to connect his servcies to a ServiceManager on a remote machine. If another computer (let's call it computer 'B') is located in the network and a ServiceManager is running there, the Servcies of computer 'A' can directly connect to the ServiceManager of computer 'B'. This can also ease installation, because the ServiceManager (which is currently not running on every platdorm) is written in C++ and therefore requires C++ to be installed on the computer. One can just install (e.g.) Java and can connect to the other computer's ServiceManager.

This is done by use of the -DserviceManager=<hostname> option. For Java services you have to define the -D option as a virtual machine argument and not as a program argument. Example: java -DserviceManager=atbruegge43 -jar TestStringSenderJava.jar

Programming languages

Currently DWARF supports C++, Java and Phyton. When one is going to use only (e.g.) Java for programming, he does not have to install software for C++ and Phyton and vice versa.
See the section 'Platform Depended Installations' at the bottom of this page for further steps.

Software required by Services

At least some services require extra software. How this dependencies are found will be explained somewhen somewhere. At the moment you have to take a look into the DwarfBuildTutorial, Lesson 4: Adding your own 3rd party software. This explains the following: Look directly into the M4 Macros and the configure.ac file where the service's Makefile is added to the buildtree...

Platform Depended Installations

Platform specific details are announced in the platform specific tutorials:


-- MarcusToennis - 27 Jul 2004

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