
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Demo Day Summer 2018

Veranstaltung am 10. Juli 2018
Prof. Gudrun Klinker, Ph.D. (with David Plecher and Sven Liedtke)

General Information

The Demo Day of the Fakultät für Informatik aims to provide a platform for exceptional student projects to be presented to a broader audience.

Students have the opportunity to present interesting demonstrations and results obtained in the context of courses, exercises or other activities and discuss these with a broad range of visitors.

The presentations each consist of a conference-style "one minuite madness" introduction and a demo- or poster-presentation afterwards.

Summer semester 2018

The Demo Day of the summer semester 2018 will take place on 10. July 2018. Students will present their current projects in the context of different teaching or research activities.

Time & Location

The Demo Day will take place on 10. July 2018.
  • Presentations: 16:00 - 17:15, Room: HS 2
  • Posters/Demos: 17:30 - 20:00 in the main hall

List of Projects

Number Name up Table slot Organization

2 Highway 1b GED
3 ActingStrange? 18 TaViS?
4 RhythmDungeon? 19 TaViS?
5 Taktum 20 TaViS?
6 Teacher4aDay 22 TaViS?
7 BeatPunch? 23 TaVis?
8 SpringForces? 2a GamePhysics?
9 Strandball 2b GamePhysics?
10 Labyrinth 3a GamePhysics?
11 Jump 3b GamePhysics?
12 Vortex 4b GamePhysics?
13 Garden 4a BA
14 Escape 7 ORTW
15 ORGA 6b GJ
16 Merry 5a GJ
17 Flappy 5b GJ
18 Don't die 6a GJ
19 Sudoku 14 AR
20 Monkey 13a 3DUI
21 Voxel 13b 3DUI
22 ShadoW? 9 MP
23 ARescape 21 MP
24 Fridge 11 MP
26 Artista 10 MP
27 Crusaders 12 MP

Information for participants

  • For registration, please send a short notice with your project name and the members of your team to David Plecher

  • Presentation: each participating project will be presented in a 1-minute teaser-presentation, consisting of 1 slide
  • The presentation should be given in english
  • Do not use any animations/multiple pages in your slides. You will not have direct control over your presentation.
  • Please send this slide to David Plecher
  • Please use the template for the presentation slide (see below)

  • ATTN: For the presentation, please try to roughly sort by project number, so we get a smooth flow of presenters

  • Each project has to give a demo-presentation in the main hall (poster+demo also possible)
  • In special cases you can have your poster printed (A1). Please contact David Plecher. You can use the template below for your own posters.
  • Please do not use videos on your slides.

  • You get 1/2 table demo space plus opportunity to put up your poster
  • Please send additional requirements (such as power, bright/dark lighting preferences, additional space, etc.) to David Plecher
  • Also send additional questions to David Plecher

Important Deadlines

  • 10. Jul 2018 16:00: Demo Day Summer 2018
  • 10. Jul 2018 12:00: Project IDs, Table Slots and Seating will be announced
  • 08. Jul 2018: Hand in the 1 minute madness slide
  • 06. Jul 2018: Last possibility to request additional requirements
  • 06. Jul 2018: Last possibility to submit poster files
  • 05. Jul 2018: Last possibility for registration for Demo Day SS 2018


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