
Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Lehrstuhl für Informatikanwendungen in der Medizin & Augmented Reality

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Individuals' Books

Remark: This is a list of books which you have to find yourself by asking the contact person. For more books, see the official Chair Library.

Title Author Location up Contact Person Owner
3D User Interfaces - Theory and Practice Bowman, Kruijff, LaViola, Poupyrev NARVIS lab Tobias Sielhorst Chair
Level Set Methods and Fast Marching Methods J.A. Sethian 03.13.060   Library (Chair)
The Design of Everyday Things D.A. Norman 03.13.040 Björn Schwerdtfeger Chair
The Psychology of Everyday Things D.A. Norman 03.13.040 Björn Schwerdtfeger Chair
Designing the User Interface Ben Shneiderman 03.13.039 Simon Nestler GK
RFID-Handbuch Klaus Finkenzeller 03.13.039 Simon Nestler GK
True Visions. The Emergence of Ambient Intelligence E. Aarts + J.L. Encarnacao 03.13.037 Florian Echtler Chair
Exploratory Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Data N. + G. Andrienko 03.13.037 Florian Echtler Chair
Information visualization (2nd Ed.) Robert Spence 03.13.036 Gudrun Klinker GK
Engineering Psychology and Human Performance Christopher D. Wickens, Justin G. Hollands 03.13.036   Library (Chair)
An Introduction to Human Factors Engineering Christopher D. Wickens, John D. Lee, Yili Liu, Sallie E. Gordon Becker 03.13.036   Library (Chair)
Wayfinding Behaviour Golledge 03.13.035 MT Chair
Pupillometrie Rößger 03.13.035 MT Chair
Maple Kolfer, Bitch, Komma 03.13.035 MT MT
The Pragmatic Programmer Hunt, Andrew and Thomas, David 03.13.035 MH Chair
3D User Interfaces - Theory and Practice Bowman, Kruijff, LaViola, Poupyrev     GK
Multiple View Geometry in computer vision Hartley and Zisserman   Tobias Reichl Tobias Reichl

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