AR Lab Purchase List
Things we should buy for the AR Lab in the next time:
- 4th ART - Camera
- A.R.T. Markers
- please, do not glue your markers to your targets, use the M3 thread instead to make the markers reusable.
- markers are very expensive, between 17 and 20 EUR each, so please think economically.
- Markers are ordered and will arrive shortly
- Screwdrivers of different size.
- I think a complete toolbox with screwdrivers screw-wrenches etc. were everything is in its place would be more suitable.
- 5er Gabelschlüssel
- drill bits.
- M3 Gewindestangen & Schrauben & Muttern
- 3M Reflektorfolie (ask MartinBauer)
- Zweikomponentenkleber
- Aufkleber zum Beschriften der Schränke
- PX28L Duracell Batteries for Intersense Tracker